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Happy New Year !!!

In preparing this post, I realized that the last time I blogged it was icy and cold.  Today, I’m coming out of the monster snow storm that ate the South and then made its way chomping up the eastern seaboard.  What is it about the cold that stimulates my brain?

I just wanted to announce that I’m going to participate in the post a week started by the wonderful sages at wordpress. I know everyone started a couple of weeks ago, but like the polar bear club sometimes you gotta just jump in.

While I appreciated being snowed in an unheard of four days due to three inches of snow (you Northerners I hear you laughing) because it allowed me to get some work done without too much interruption, after day three I felt a little isolated.  It made me want to reach out and share with all of you.

So here’s to 2011, the start of a new decade may we all blog in peace and harmony!

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